Monday, January 4, 2010

this new year of 2010

Well, it finally feels like this new year has truly begun. Yesterday was my birthday, which {as a teacher} is always a mark of time: time to go back to work! {not until tomorrow, actually}.  My son went off to school this morning, and he was actually excited to go! My goal today is to take some pictures and post them to my esty sites, as well as creating a new banner for this blog!

I have the new years cleaning bug, and so far have cleaned our giant closet, the entire kitchen and now must tackle putting away all the christmas stuff.
Busy day ahead and school is out at 2:45 - better get to it!


DustyLu said...

I feel the same way. My son is not in school yet, so my time to get stuff done is when he is napping. Hurry, before he wakes't wait to see the new banner.. I need to do one to, new to this system. I need to figure it out. Happy 2010..lulu

Anna Kay said...

Best of luck to you this new year!!